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NEXT11 | About NEXT (01:42)

NEXT11 | The Puzzle Pieces of a Mobile Web... (42:10)

Wolfram Kriesing, uxebu

NEXT11 | High Performance Websites in Internet... (30:51)

Malte Ubl, Google

NEXT11 | Next Generation Web-Apps with CouchDB (28:54)

Jan Lehnardt, CouchBase

NEXT11 | Node.js Digs Dirt - about... (30:59)

Isaac Z. Schlueter, Joyent

NEXT11 | Architecture for 10^X (19:53)

Markus Wolf, SinnerSchrader Meno Abels, SinnerSchrader

NEXT11 | Play with screens: Why check-out is... (09:20)

Sam Morton, Screenreach

NEXT11 | Dumphonia: Why it is Smart to Embrace... (36:29)

Jessica Colaço, iHub Kenya Fabio Sergio, frog design

NEXT11 | Case Studies: Accelerating Dynamic... (25:40)

Thorsten Deutrich, Cotendo

NEXT11 | Smartest Common Denominator:... (12:31)

Oliver Reichenstein, Information Architects

NEXT11 | Paper Video Games (10:48)

Bertrand Duplat, Volumique

NEXT11 | Alternate Reality Games - The Future... (24:31)

Adrian Hon, Six to Start
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