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The Call For Mobile Adventure (15:07)

Talk by Laurent Burdin, SinnerSchrader Mobile Speaker at NEXT...

NEXT11 | The Puzzle Pieces of a Mobile Web... (42:10)

Wolfram Kriesing, uxebu

NEXT11 | Free Your Apps or Starve In Your... (11:22)

Matthäus Krzykowski, Xyologic

NEXT11 | Smart People, Dumb Objects, Networked... (12:15)

Usman Haque, Pachube

NEXT11 | Public and Company Data for Mobile... (10:43)

Torsten Oelke, Immobilienscout24

NEXT10 | App Store Rankings – the SEO / SEM for... (10:04)

Carsten Frien, madvertise

NEXT10 | Cross-Platform Mobile App Strategies (11:25)

Jimmy Nordbeck, Golden Gekko

NEXT10 | Inside the App Economy (10:03)

Mike Merrill, Smartphone Technologies

NEXT10 | Mobile Banking in the App Economy:... (09:29)

Andres Fontao, Bankinter

NEXT10 | The Future of Apps (18:45)

Christian Lindholm, Fjord

NEXT10 | App Economy Discussion (17:54)

Christian Lindholm, Fjord Ben Hammersley, Wired UK SIX Creative...

NEXT10 | Why Apps Matter (07:26)

Michael Schneider, mobile roadie
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