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NEXT16 | The Future of Brand, Tech & Business... (24:09)

Talk by Brian Solis, Altimeter Group The best-selling author,...

Fashion Revolution (11:29)

Talk by Regine Harr, nelou Speaker at NEXT Berlin 2012

NEXT11 | Mobile Gaming (13:30)

Peter Vesterbacka, Rovio

NEXT11 | Mobile Changemaking: How Mobile... (12:43)

Harald Neidhardt, Smaato

NEXT11 | Using the Power of the Archetypes to... (24:55)

Vincent Schmidlin, Neuroversum of Archetypes

NEXT11 | Enhance Your Brand with Targeting:... (22:36)

Volker John,

NEXT11 | Social Activation: Eyeballs Don't... (15:41)

Matt Gierhart, OgilvyAction

NEXT11 | Data Love (13:00)

Matthias Schrader, SinnerSchrader

NEXT11 | The Future of Social Experiences (26:18)

Ralf Herbrich, Bing

NEXT11 | Simply the Best: Brands and Concepts... (11:08)

Garrett Graff, Washingtonian Magazine
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