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NEXT11 | Inventing an Online Persona: How to... (24:39)

Garett Graff, Washingtonian Magazine

NEXT11 | Social Activation: Eyeballs Don't... (15:41)

Matt Gierhart, OgilvyAction

NEXT11 | Social Data: What it Communicates, Who... (25:51)

Cornelius Puschmann, University of Düsseldorf

NEXT11 | Use Social Media for Social Marketing... (15:43)

Michael Trautmann, kempertrautmann

NEXT11 | Next Level Engagement (32:21)

Will Samson, Contagious Magazine

NEXT11 | Being up-to-data (18:35)

Birgit Gebhardt, Trendbüro

NEXT11 | How Data Creates Collective Action (22:39)

Mike Arauz, Undercurrent

NEXT11 | Social Change Through Social Media (24:04)

Amanda Rose, Twestival

NEXT09 | Who wins? Where, when and how? (33:30)

Stefan Groß-Selbeck, Xing Kevin Eyres, LinkedIn Markus Berger-de...

NEXT10 | The Smell of Human Flesh - Getting to... (16:47)

Rene Jansen, Winkwaves

NEXT10 | Working with your community, and not... (13:32)

Peter Espersen, Lego

NEXT10 | Digital Vertigo: Inequality, Anxiety &... (10:36)

Andrew Keen, The Great Seduction
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