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NEXT15 | The Thing with Things - Dilemmas. A... (31:37)

Talk by Marcel Schouwenaar, The Incredible Machine

NEXT15 | Knowing Things - How Consumers Relate... (29:24)

Talk by Alexandra Deschamps-Sonsino, Designswarm

NEXT12 | The Real World Just Got Better (12:57)

Keynote by Andy Hobsbawm, Evrythng Speaker at NEXT Berlin 2012...

Martin Spindler - The Revolution Around The Corner (22:36)

Keynote by Martin Spindler Speaker at NEXT Berlin 2012

Alexandra Deschamps-Sonsino (04:07)

Alexandra Deschamps-Sonsino, Good Night Lamp / designswarm / RIG...

NEXT11 | Retail Revolution - How Digital... (10:34)

Matthias Schäfer, Interone Björn Sievers, Focus Online

NEXT11 | Bright Data, Big City (20:10)

Euro Beinat, Current City Foundation

NEXT11 | Buttons, Behaviour, Robots and Toys.... (16:40)

Rafi Haladijan,
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