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NEXT13 | UnlockYourBrain (11:41)

Talk by Sebastian Bartl, Start-up Pitch.

NEXT13 | Glean (10:08)

Talk by Bas Kohnke, Start-up Pitch

NEXT13 | Buzzoole (10:38)

Talk by Fabrizio Perrone, Start-up Pitch

NEXT13 | Geddit (14:48)

Talk by Anton Troynikov, Start-up Pitch

NEXT13 | Prizgo (09:57)

Talk by Charlie Casey, Start-up Pitch

NEXT13 | Algolia (10:05)

Talk by Nicolas Dessaigne, Start-up Pitch

NEXT13 | And now? Expansion, mobile and new... (13:12)

QA with Niklas Östberg, Delivery Hero

NEXT13 | The Twist of Execution (14:57)

Talk by Anne Pascual, IDEO

NEXT13 | Mobile Trends (15:32)

Talk by Marc Stilke, ImmobilienScout24

NEXT13 | TV meets mobile (12:09)

Talk by Tobias Schmidt, wywy

NEXT13 | Stopping the world from cooking (18:26)

Talk by Adrian Blair, Just Eat

NEXT13 | The new Era (18:32)

Talk by Peter Jäger, Microsoft
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