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NEXT SD13 | BlaBlaCar - Redesigning Road Transport (22:18)

Case study by Nicolas Brusson and Vanina Schick - Speakers of NEXT...

NEXT SD13 | The Three Big Shifts in Brand Strategy (12:28)

Introduction by Nils Wollny, SinnerSchrader - Speaker of NEXT...

NEXT SD12 | The Hero with a Thousand Faces (23:19)

Keynote by Louisa Heinrich, Fjord Speaker at NEXT Service Design

NEXT SD12 | The Air We Breathe (32:04)

Keynote by Sami Niemelä, Nordkapp Speaker at NEXT Service Design

NEXT SD12 | Lean Services: the new Context, the... (39:39)

Keynote by Paul Sims, Made by Many Speaker at NEXT Service Design

NEXT SD12 | Service Design – Buzzword or Magic... (31:41)

Keynote by Pia Betton, Edenspiekermann Speaker at NEXT Service Design

NEXT SD12 | How lean and service design methods... (29:00)

Keynote by Magnus Christensson, Socialsquare...

NEXT SD12 | Strategy is a Service! (30:07)

Keynote by Alexander Baumgardt, Systemic Partner Speaker at NEXT...
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