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NEXT16 | How to design products that people love? (24:31)

Panel about Product Design Jeremy Abbett, Jason Cale, Lisa Lang,...

NEXT13 | Service Design Panel (20:53)

Panel discussion with Anne Pascual, Birgit Mager and Louisa...

NEXT11 | Europe — Getting its Head out of its A$$ (01:01:00)

Davor Hebel, Fidelity Ventures Nikolaj Nyholm, Sunstone Capital...

NEXT10 | Part 2: Consumer Power Discussion (10:49)

Ola Ahlversson, Result Peter Espersen, Lego Hodg Hodgson,...

NEXT10 | Part 1: Consumer Power Discussion (06:40)

Paul McCrudden Rene Jansen, Winkwaves Alexis Ohanian, Reddit...

NEXT10 | Mobile Publishing Discussion (13:21)

Joscha Bach, txtr Hans Dorsch Simon Seeger, textunes Katharina...

NEXT10 | Platform Strategies Discussion (15:39)

Jimmy Nordbeck, Golden Gekko Joe Pezzillo, Push.IO Phillip von...

NEXT10 | Part 2: Social Media Discussion (15:16)

Andrew Keen, The Great Seduction Jemima Gibbons, iKnowHow Ola...

NEXT10 | Part 1: Social Media Discussion (16:00)

Stefana Broadbent, University College London Stowe Boyd, /Message...

NEXT10 | Social Woman Discussion (14:22)

Cindy Gallop, Annalisa Bluhm, General Motors...

NEXT10 | App Economy Discussion (17:54)

Christian Lindholm, Fjord Ben Hammersley, Wired UK SIX Creative...

NEXT10 | Relationships Reinvented Discussion (16:12)

Brian Solis, FutureWorks Pablos Holman, Komposite Monique van...
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