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NEXT12 | Bubble or Business - Is Berlin The New... (21:05)

Hot Seat with Stefan Glänzer (White Bear Yard), Charlie O ́Donnell...

NEXT12 | Post-Digital Business (19:32)

Hot Seat with Dennis Wetzig (Pixray), Patrick Meisberger...

James Bridle - Metaphors Considered Harmful (26:57)

Talk by James Bridle, RIG Speaker at NEXT Berlin 2012

LHBS - Bridging East and West (04:10)

Presentation by Stefan Erschwendner, LHBS Speaker at NEXT Berlin 2012

Soundcloud - Share Your Sound (02:36)

Presentation by David Noël, Soundcloud Speaker at NEXT Berlin 2012

Gidsy - A Marketplace For Things To Do (02:41)

Presentation by Edial Dekker, Gidsy Speaker at NEXT Berlin 2012

Spotify - The Platform For Music (04:51)

Presentation by Axel Bringéus, Spotify Speaker at NEXT Berlin 2012

Airbnb - A Marketplace For Places To Stay (04:27)

Presentation by Gunnar Froh, Airbnb Speaker at NEXT Berlin 2012

Jason Whitmire - A VC's Perspective on Berlin (07:14)

Presentation by Jason Whitmire, Earlybird Speaker at NEXT Berlin 2012

Berlin Startups: The Friendship Economy (28:16)

Edial Dekker, Gidsy; Felix Petersen, Amen; David Noël, Soundcloud &...

International Start-ups in Berlin (22:11)

Gunnar Froh, Airbnb Germany, Axel Bringéus, Spotify & Jason...
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