Thomas Webb – Facing the Future of Society

1,807 views October 02, 2019

During his talks, Webb often highlights, how a lack of understanding of the technology around us...


Ben Sauer – Slow Down to Speed up: How...

694 views September 30, 2019

Organisations have become obsessed with speed in software production. Methods like Lean and Agile...


Payal Arora – The Next Billion Users

3,301 views September 27, 2019

After immersing herself in factory towns, slums, townships, and favelas, Payal Arora assesses...


Marcello Schermer – The Africa I Know

1,075 views September 27, 2019

While Africa is often portrayed as the ‘hopeless continent’ in the West, the reality on the...


Efosa Ojomo – The Power of Market-Creating...

2,632 views September 27, 2019

The word innovation has become ubiquitous, but it often means different things depending on who...


César Rodríguez-Rosario – Understanding the...

1,022 views September 27, 2019

The fabric of the universe is made of quantum information. Hacking reality might sound like...


David Mattin – Again, with Feeling: Two...

572 views September 27, 2019

As we move deeper into the 21st-century, the technologies of the fourth industrial revolution are...


Melissa Chan & Olinga Ta'eed – What will China...

1,032 views September 24, 2019

Prof. Olinga Taeed is Council Member and Expert Advisor to the ‘China E-Commerce Blockchain...


T.L. Taylor – Watch me Play! The Rise of Game...

1,590 views September 23, 2019

Gaming has become a mainstream leisure activity with people now playing on a variety of devices...


Scott Smith & Sophie Howe – Building...

567 views September 27, 2019

How do you enable a rising generation to be futurists? How do you build the future while leading...


Brian Whipple – Why Purpose Beats Marketing

1,908 views September 24, 2019

Human energy and time are precious and increasingly finite, as we struggle to navigate a world...


Rogier Creemers – China’s Information Society:...

969 views September 23, 2019

Over the past few years, China has embarked on a policy of informatization, which seeks to...