Is the Metaverse relevant for your business? – In conversation with Katie Burke

May 10, 2022
This year Metaverse is on nearly every marketer’s mind. It will take many forms, including gaming, online communities and business meetings. Where people collaborate via a digital facsimile or avatar of themselves.

On our upcoming episode of the NEXT–SHOW Accenture Song’s Katie Burke spoke with Monique van Dusseldorp about the extraordinary hype around the Metaverse and web3, and that the mindset shift for brands is about creating long-term value for customers.

“The most fascinating characteristic of a Metaverse is the learning effect amongst people who’ve been using it for a while.There is a behavioral shift too: People begin searching for more choice in the internet. They are looking for more control”, says Katie.
Tune in and start to understand the space that’s going to change your working life.

About Katie Burke:
Katie Burke is Accenture Song’s Metaverse Continuum Global Content & Offering Lead, working with clients around the globe on their entry into the next wave of the internet. She has over fifteen years of consulting experience, working as an experience designer across multiple industries. Sitting within Accenture Song’s innovation and thought leadership practice, she currently serves as the lead content writer for the annual Fjord Trends report, as well as leading Accenture Song’s ground-up innovation program, that explores technologies that are signaling on the future of humanity, future of interactions, and future of brands.

Katie’s career has been at the intersection of humans, innovation, and creativity. She has created three metaverse experiences for Accenture since the start of the pandemic and has created two thriving digital communities, which is one of the key attributes of Web3.

Thanks to our partners Accenture Song, FAKTOR 3 & t3n

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